The home of beer and chocolate = heaven.

I love charter flights!

I didn’t realise just how cheap flights can be. I got a very last minute deal and now I am here in Brussels. It cost less than my dinner last night… no joke! I’m not “In Bruges” – but almost… and sadly no Colin Farrell around either. But its great! No offence to the lovely Danish people, but I prefer it here so much more than Copenhagen. It is much cheaper first of all.

I love beer!

So. Many. Beers.

I like anything alcoholic to be fair, but the beer here in Brussels is awesome. And there are so many different types including alcohol free beer. There’s this really cool pub called Delirium that serves 100s of types of beer, and even is home to the best beer in the world (who knew?). I can’t actually remember the name of it… (can anyone help me with that?) because believe it or not after a few pints my memory wasn’t as sharp as usual. It was pretty tasty, but it’s a big claim to say it’s the best?! That pub also has a Self Serve Beer Tap which is so cool! If you’re in the area, it’s definitely worth visiting! Anyway, I am determined to get a different type of beer everywhere I go, I want to try them all! So, I may be here for quite some time. After all, there is so much to explore in this place. From bars with bottled beers to those with draft beer systems, I want to explore all of it. It is likely the dream of any beer lover. I think the reason there are so many different types of beer made here is that it used to be quite dangerous to drink the water in the rivers as it wasn’t clean enough. And the beer was cleaner! They even gave it to children! I love finding things like that out, its always good to get to know the locals they have great stories to tell.

I love Chocolate!

Chocolate tasters needed?

Belgium Chocolate. Everywhere. At every turning. With every topping. As you walk along at every corner, in every shop window, there is a beautiful selection of chocolates! I managed to find quite a few places with free tasters and a nice selection of try before you buy. My absolute favourite. And I really do think Belgium chocolate is the best. I even witnessed how they made it by peeking through the back window of a shop but I didn’t feel like I needed a full tour of a chocolate factory. It might ruin the magic.

Grand Place

Grand Place.

Its my favourite place so far on this leg of the journey. Just so beautiful. I quite like looking at the architecture and the buildings don’t quite match. They are not quite symmetrical if you stare at them long enough. But I really like that! It adds the the charm – I think. I have walked through here 6 or 7 times now and sometimes there is a nice little flower market. And even though it has been pouring and pouring down with rain, I have really enjoyed kicking back in a nice cafe (with some beer or chocolate of course) and having a good old people watch as everyone hurries around.

I am quite lucky really, I found a nice deal right in the middle of town near Grand Place. And everything is in walking distance. However, as much as I like it here, I am not sure how much longer I will stay. It is quite small as a whole – theres not a huge amount to actually do (apart from get drunk and fat) I would like to go to Bruges, but I think a warmer climate might be calling…