For me, this is really important. I want to be able to talk to fellow travellers and sometimes doing things online is a lot less daunting!

Please do get in touch and let me know where you have been, if you have any recommendations about the best places to see history sites and if there is anything else you would like me to write a post on. Any advice and tips of what to do when you have been away and what places to see then I am always willing to see what you have in mind.

I have to admit, I am a bit of a chatter box once I get going and I can get a bit carried away – so let me know what you want to hear about! I do love a good chat when it comes to chatting to you guys.

If you aren’t travelling, but maybe want some inspiration to get out there and see more of the world – I can help. I really had to overcome some issues before leaving for my trip, and now I am a qualified life coach and would be more than happy to mentor you to take the first steps.

I am open to guest posting! So if you do have anything to say or advise to everyone in my site then please give me a guest post. You can submit your guest post through the contact form below and I can send you over the guidelines of what you need to include in your post.

The best way to get in touch with me is to fill in the form below. Sorry if I don’t reply right away, it’s not always easy to find a good wifi connection but I check my inbox as regularly as I can.
