Brainstorming Your Next Vacation

Some people have a concrete idea about where they want to head on their next vacation. Regardless of whether they want to relax and chill in one of the most beautiful luxury resort southern california located options, or if they want something a bit more adrenalin-filled in a European country,…Continue reading...

Appreciating Plants and Vegetation During Your Travels

There are a lot of fun things to pay attention to and observe while you're out and about traveling, and plants and vegetation can be high up there on the list, especially if you have even a small interest in things like horticulture, farming, or landscape arts. Just like some people can appreciate buildings and architecture, others can appreciate wild foliage, trees, and floral arrangements!…continue reading →

Katrin’s top Destinations to Visit this Summer

With the warmer months fast approaching, now is as good a time as ever to start thinking about booking a summer holiday. This thought leads to only one question; where to go?   Well, there are simply hundreds of destinations to choose from. Here are some of our favourite for…Continue reading...

The Best Beaches to Visit in Barbados 2017

Ahh... Barbados. The Caribbean's easternmost island is just as famous for its picturesque beaches as it is for its laid-back culture and free-flowing rum cocktails. For such a small island, Barbados has a lot of beaches - 61 of them to be exact! It is no wonder that people are…Continue reading...

Exotic Family Holidays – Ecuador

Destinations like Disney World, London, Spain, California, and the Costa Brava always make for great family holiday destinations. But what if you would like to opt for something a little more exotic, just this once? What if you'd like to go off the beaten track and bring your kids on…Continue reading...

My cup of tea in China

There is so much more to tell you about my time in China, I have the country now, and again I am onto a secret part of my adventure. I am sure that I will update you about that soon too! I like to stay one step ahead of my…Continue reading...

My top 3

Okay so off the back of all my recent research, there are three places that really stand out to me, that I REALLY want to try to get to before I eventually head home. I should point out that obviously, I have not included Rome in this list! Rome is…Continue reading...

So where should I go next?!

So that has all been a whirlwind! I am really having to take a few days out and just chill in the hotel to take in everything I have seen. I am keeping a personal notebook of all the cool History things I have seen so far, and its going…Continue reading...

Japan Never Sleeps

Making friends I completely forgot to tell you how I got to know the girls! So we met whilst I was still in India. Parts of India are overwhelming, and I was really happy to meet two girls, who were experiencing a similar feeling to me. We got talking in…Continue reading...