3 Tips for Making The Most Of Extended Stay Accommodations

If you travel often, whether for business or pleasure, you’ve likely stayed in the same accommodations for at least a few nights in a row. In some instances, you may have even stayed in the same place for a longer period of time, like a week or more. When you’re in these situations, it can be beneficial to your mental and physical state to make yourself as comfortable in these rooms as possible and truly take advantage of all that’s offered to you. To help you do this, here are three tips for making the most of your extended stay accommodations.

Book With Them Directly

While you might be hoping to save a little money by booking your stay through a savings website, you may find that you get overall better treatment at your lodging if you book through them directly. According to Jacob Tomsky and India Sturgis, contributors to Daily Mail, hotels and other lodging establishments often make the smallest margins off bookings made through these third-party websites. Because of that, they’re often given the smallest or least convenient rooms while the bigger, nicer rooms are saved for guest who book directly with them through their own channels. So if you’re planning to stay for quite some time, consider booking directly with them so you can have the best room and service available.

Ask Before You Buy

When planning to travel for a long period of time, there’s a lot that needs to go into the planning and preparation phases. Because of this additional stress, you may be more likely to leave certain necessities behind. While your first inclination might be to run out to the store and buy what you need, Talia Avakian, a contributor to Travel and Leisure, suggests asking your accommodations if they can help you first. Many hotels and extended stay lodging have toiletries and other items on-hand for their guests; all you have to do it ask. This can save you a lot of money if you otherwise would have had to buy these things rather than being gifted or borrowing them.

Use Your Room Signs

While it’s definitely more convenient to stay at the same place for a longer period of time rather than having to change rooms or locations every few days, it also gives potential burglars the chance to get to know your routines and attempt to take advantage of you. To keep this from happening, Hugh Morris, a contributor to Telegraph, recommends that you use your Do Not Disturb sign to make it seem as if you’re still in your room even when you’re not. This will help to deter anyone unwanted coming into your room since they’ll assume that you’re still in there.

If you’ll be staying in a hotel or resort for an extended period of time, consider using the tips mentioned above to make the most of your experience.